Spoil of War by Phoenix Sullivan

Spoil of War by Phoenix Sullivan

Spoil of War by Phoenix Sullivan


Publisher: Dare To Dream Press


Elsbeth loses everything she has ever held dear when her home falls to the enemy in a war. She finds herself at the mercy of men she despises. Her freedom is lost.

While in captivity, she sees the powerlessness of herself and her people in graphic and disgustingly brutal detail.

Over time, she accepts her fate and falls in love with the king that holds her as his personal property and prisoner. But things never go as planned, and when a strange man comes to the castle while the king is away and takes an unwelcome liking to her, it leads her to do things that result in her suffering more abuse at the hands of cruel men.

Will she ever find freedom and happiness again? In a world where a woman is nothing more than property of men?


I struggled to decide if the main character was stupid or just so damn spirited she wanted to make life harder on herself. I found some of her self-made conflict over the top (but she was a redhead…). I also found that no matter where she turned she was being used sexually or flat out raped the entire book. I know that at the time period women were used with no thought as to their comfort or desire, but shouldn’t there have at least been a couple decent men around? The king was about halfway decent, but that was the closest any man in the title was to having a heart.

Despite all of that, the time period was believable, as were a majority of the characters. I did like the book, and although there were some grammar mistakes, they were few and far between.


I give this book: 2 QUILLS


Lynda’s Lace: City Heat (Book One) by Lacey Alexander

Lynda’s Lace: City Heat (Book One) by Lacey Alexander

Lynda’s Lace: City Heat (Book One) by Lacey Alexander

ASIN: B0031LJ4O8

ISBN: 9781419906831

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Publishing


Lynda Phelps is the Sex Queen of New Orleans, but she’s scared to let her wild, adventurous nature out to play with her boyfriend. He sees her as a precious treasure that should be adorned with sexy lace, when she would prefer leather.

Since she’s scared he’ll thinking less of her, she keeps her kinky side locked up tight. After all, the sex that they do have is really good, just…boring.

He senses that she’s holding something back and tries his best to get her to let loose and confide in him. But…if she does, will he be able to accept the truth and still keep her on a pedestal?


This story was sexually graphic and adventurous with real human emotions involved. The book was well written erotica that didn’t disappoint in story or heat. It’s a good example of trusting those we love with the deepest, most secret parts of ourselves – truly trusting them to love us for us.


I give this book: 3 QUILLS



Snow’s Heat: Prowling Around by Nicole Hicks

Snow's Heat Prowling Around by Nicole Hicks

Snow’s Heat Prowling Around by Nicole Hicks



Snow’s Heat: Prowling Around by Nicole Hicks

ISBN: 978-1-936950-32-4

Publisher: Summerhouse Publishing

Age Group: Adult


Sometimes animal urges and instant attraction makes people click. Nicole Hicks has given us a beautiful written and amusing story showing us how that can happen when you unleash and accept the animal within.


Bree is working on getting over the emotional drawbacks she’s been experiencing since her divorce. Her cheating husband made her feel like she wasn’t enough… She plans to burn him out of her memory and start fresh.

Travis is a man who has suffered his own pain and been changed in ways most people will never be able to acknowledge or accept. Being in the military changed his world, and his life, forever.

Travis doesn’t like it when Bree shows up to be a neighbor to his isolation, but he comes to grips with it as he gives in to his animal urge to make her his.


The editing for this story was almost flawless (I think I found three mistakes total, and that’s not a lot). I loved the humor and realistic ways the characters were portrayed and presented. The only place I felt this failed (but only slightly) was when Bree accepted Travis’ “special difference” without batting an eye. I felt she should have been slightly more alarmed than she was and that the reason behind her calm was weak. Saying that, since the story was so short, the author pulled it off okay.

Being erotica, the sex wasn’t as graphic as I expected. So, if you’re looking for a paranormal erotic/romance without too much detail, this would be a great short read for you.

I give this book: 2 QUILL.


Lust by Douglas Vance Castagna

Lust by Douglas Vance Castagna

Lust by Douglas Vance Castagna



Lust by Douglas Vance Castagna

ISBN-10: 0957103395

ISBN-13: 978-0957103399

ASIN: B009879QFQ

Publisher: Crowded Quarantine Publications

Age Group: Adult


The evil forces that are all around and among us can pounce whenever they desire. Douglas Vance Castagna unleashes one of the most evil female entities known to man on his readers…and leaves them wondering if they too will fall victim as her prey in the future.


A man paints a masterpiece. The painting embodies evil…beautiful evil. The piece of art embodies Lilith and makes her a possession of the masterpiece’s owner. She doesn’t want to be controlled or owned.

With wicked, evil vengeance, Lilith takes by force what won’t be given willingly.

A woman and a friend of the artist meet in a gallery in front of the masterpiece. Sparks ignite between them and things progress.

The artist dies… He has been murdered.

More strange murders occur, and the friend of the artist thinks he has things figured out only to realize too late that he too has been deceived and is now at risk.

Will they be able to stop Lilith with the help of some unexpected supernatural head hunters? Or will they all fall to their doom at Lilith’s feet?

I genuinely liked this story. There were a few flaws in editing, and the scene changes were abrupt and unexpected considering it was such a short story, but it was still good. I figured out what was going on before I was told, even the female twist (you’ll know what I mean by that once you’ve read the book). There were a few places where there was graphic sexual content, which doesn’t bother me, but might bother some. I think it added an intense fun factor to the overall story.

I give this book 2 QUILL.


Undead Reflections in a Jaundice Eye by K.B. Cutter

Undead Reflections in a Jaundiced Eye by K.B. Cutter

Undead Reflections in a Jaundiced Eye by K.B. Cutter
Publisher: Noble Romance Publishing, LLC
Age Group: Adult

A group of friends goes to a bar to unwind, and there is some conflict because they’re different – not everyone can handle the teasing of people of a different sexual orientation. A scuffle ensues and a man is kicked out of the bar.

After the conflict, they ignore the muted TV that’s telling them of a world meltdown and continue to drink and have a good time. Sex is the plan for later, and be damned anything that might get in the way.

While they’re enjoying themselves and downing more alcohol, the undead uprising is brought to the bar by the return of the disgruntled customer.

Things go south fast for the undead patron, but not before he has his first meal – complete with a side dish of genitals.

The relationships of the survivors fall apart as they try to survive… In the end, carnal desire is the only think to win out until death.

This story was a sexual blast through the world of the undead. The MC is pretty cynical, but that’s what’s needed to survive in sticky situations. At first I found the POV to be a bit erratic, but you get used to it and it all makes sense in the end. I give this book 2 QUILL.

Rating: 2Q