Poisoned Web by Crista McHugh

Poisoned Web by Crista McHugh

Poisoned Web by Crista McHugh

Poisoned Web (Diezian Empire Book 2) by Crista McHugh


ISBN-10: 1940559995

ISBN-13: 978-1940559995

Publisher: Crista McHugh


Crista McHugh rockets readers into her created world with style and grace.


A slave assists the investigator who is helping her mistress uncover the secrets of poison and murder. They dig deep into the past and a forbidden culture that holds not only the answers, but countless dangers for many.

Their investigation turns up way more than they planned on, but will they find the answers in time to save the life of their current emperor?


This book was interesting and the characters were relatable. I could tell where the story was going, but I still enjoyed the journey. There was plenty of conflict to build tension and a satisfying resolution. There were some grammar mistakes, but nothing overly major that took away from the story.

I give this book: 2 QUILLS


Shadow’s End by Courtney Rene

Shadow’s End by Courtney Rene

Shadow’s End by Courtney Rene


Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press

Age Group: Young Adult

The world of shadow walkers is growing…and they’re finding they have more abilities and allies than they originally thought. Sunny is struggling to balance her new world/life in Acadia with her simple existence in the water realm – Earth.

Courtney Rene continues Sunny’s journey and experience in book three of the Shadow Dancer series, with Shadow’s End.

In Shadow’s End we find Sunny trying to deal with the betrayal and deception of her previous relationships while she tackles the complications of her life. How is she going to do what needs doing in Arcadia and still live a normal ‘teen life’ on Earth? Family, friends, and males have her pulled in various directions and she’s lost most of the time.

Through various circumstances, she learns that there’s more to her world(s) than anyone previously knew. And with that knowledge, and more about her real mother and how she died, Sunny starts to become stronger and tackles the challenges of her life head on.

With the help and assistance of many, she learns there’s strength in numbers even when time is running short. Quick thinking, kind actions, and real caring play big roles in the outcome of this young woman’s existence.

The book sucks you in and makes you care about Sunny – her world and her struggles. Along the way, the story takes twists and gives you little surprises that you weren’t expecting. I give Shadow’s End 3 QUILL.

Rating: 3Q