Night Magic by Jennifer Lyon

Night Magic by Jennifer Lyon



Night Magic by Jennifer Lyon
ISBN: 978-0-345-52006-7
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Age Group: Adult
Do you like reading about demons, witches, slayers, and gods? This is the book for you! The adrenaline packed ride is riddled with danger and high flying emotions.

Jennifer Lyon enchants and teases with her in-depth and soulful characters, while keeping you on the edge of your seat with action and eroticism.

Ailish – a blind, kick boxing witch – has to come home whether she wants to or not, but she’s ready for the battle that awaits her. What she isn’t ready for is Phoenix, and what he’ll mean to her.

Hand fasted to a demon, she’s imprisoned by the bad choices she has made in the past. Will she learn to let go and trust Phoenix and unleash the strength to control her powers? Can she let him become part of her soul, just to risk losing him if she fails?

Night Magic is an amazingly crafted story that I couldn’t stop reading. The characters are amazing and the story line keeps you gripped, making you wonder what will happen next. There were a couple times that I figured things out early, but I still wasn’t disappointed! I give Night Magic 3 QUILL for being an adrenaline packed, steamy ride!

Rating: 3Q